Friday, December 19, 2008


Kinley and I have had THE FUNNEST WEEK! We have all our shopping done so we have been able to be home and enjoy the weather! We have been turnin' up our Christmas music and dancin' and of course shakin' all the presents under the tree (daily)!! We have been in the kitchen bakin' up a storm too! We did carmels (for the first time and yummy!) and sugar cookies. Kinley loved the cookies and loved "washing her hands" in the flour and she called it. Then next week we are going to Grandma's house to bake some more. Yipeeee!

Adam and I are just giddy with excitement this year for Santa to come! We can't wait to see the look on Kinley's face when she walks out Christmas morning to see her gifts! Playing Santa is so fun and rewarding too! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Vernie and Tony said...

Those do look yummy! Kinley did a great job! She's gonna be the next cooking show host at this rate!